
Are you ready to meet your new best friend? – With fall officially here and the holiday season just around the corner, it can be the perfect time to adopt a furry friend.

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.

Maybe since the pandemic, you have been working remotely or at least spending more time at home. Perhaps you’re looking for some companionship. Maybe now is the perfect time for you to adopt a dog. How do you know if you’re ready?

Here are some important things to consider before you decide to meet your new best friend or add to your already furry family.

1. Are you ready to change your daily routine?

If this is your first dog or your fourth dog, be prepared for your schedule to change. The more dogs you have, the more time you will need to commit. As a first-time dog owner, you will have to learn to develop a routine and adopt a schedule for you and Fido. Dogs need to eat, go outside, exercise and play – all on a consistent basis. And don’t forget about going to the groomer and the vet. While this highlights all of the primary responsibilities of caring for a pet, make sure it can fit into your schedule and daily life.

2. Do you know what type of dog you want?

There are many things to consider – breed, size, age, gender, etc. You also have to take your lifestyle and environment into account and how your new pooch will adapt. For instance, you may not want a large breed if you live in a small apartment.

3. Are you ready to train your dog and take them to obedience school if needed?

Depending on their background, some dogs require more training – and more patience. Make sure you are up to the task so you and your pup will not get discouraged right off the bat.

4. Can you handle unconditional love all day, every day, and give it in return?

Undeniably, the best part about having a dog is the genuine companionship – you truly will have a new best friend. Dogs will love you no matter what; they will greet you every day as if it’s the first time they’ve seen you in forever and repeatedly help you feel better in all life situations. The love from a dog usually trumps everything else.

If you are interested in adopting your new four-legged friend, visit your local shelter. You can also look online for breed-specific dogs before you plan your visit.

After adoption, you will need a veterinarian that you can trust.

At North Churton Animal Hospital, we strive to provide a compassionate and comfortable environment for you and your pet. We believe in lifelong wellness care with an emphasis on education and prevention.

We offer a wide range of services for your furry family member, including wellness and preventive care, vaccinations, elective surgery, dental cleanings, radiography, in-house blood work, in-house pharmacy, and a wide range of prescription diets, just to name a few.

Dr. James Miller and his staff at Durham and North Churton Animal Hospitals can address your concerns and answer any questions.

In the Durham or Hillsborough, NC areas:

Visit https://durhamanimalhospital.com/ for more information or call 919-620-7387.

Visit https://northchurtonanimalhospital.com/ for more information or call 919-644-7387.

Follow us on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/NorthChurtonAnimalHospital

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