
7 Tips for Easing Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety – Just over a year ago, as our lives moved indoors and quarantine became an everyday word, one amazing transformation occurred – shelters were cleared across the country.

Although most of us likely didn’t predict we’d spend the majority of a year in our homes, many shared the idea that it was the perfect time to welcome a new pup into the family.

Yet, while a year at home meant constant love and attention for our new pets, it also meant very little alone time. Now, as schools, offices, and travel re-open, many pups may experience separation anxiety as they’re spending extended time alone for the first time. Even if the majority of your day is still spent close to or at home, now is the ideal time to ease your pup into a new routine.

How do you begin easing your dog’s separation anxiety?

While some pets may make the transition from constant company to hours of solitude easily, others may need more time adjusting. To minimize in-house accidents, mischief, or signs of stress, practice separation changes.

  • Leave at regular times. If school or work begins at a specific time, build a routine of leaving them alone in 15-30 minute increments. 
  • Introduce them to a routine. Will they be in a crate? Contained to specific rooms? Who will be the last person to let them out before they’re left alone?
  • Consider feeding and bathroom schedules. Factor these changes into practice routines.
  • Leave your scent for them. A recently worn t-shirt placed in their crate or bed can provide comfort.
  • Make it special. If destruction or choking isn’t a concern, provide a special toy or treat that’s only given when they’ll be alone.
  • Consider doggie daycare. If they’re adjusting slowly, ask a friend/neighbor familiar to your pup to let them out during the day or provide attention.
  • Check with your vet. Are you concerned that your pet is experiencing extreme stress while you’re away? Is their behavior/barking disruptive to neighbors? Ask your vet if calming supplements are effective for your pup’s breed and temperament.

Certainly, finding a vet that provides the same level of care and love your pet receives at home is an essential part of their overall wellbeing.

Our compassionate veterinarians and staff are here to ease your concerns about your dog’s separation anxiety and offer guidance to keep your pet healthy and happy. We understand that your pets are a vital part of the family, and that is why we make you and your pets an extension of ours.

We are a family of pets, owners, and veterinary experts all dedicated to keeping your cherished pets healthy. Find us in Durham, NC and Hillsborough, NC at:

North Churton Animal Hospital: 919.644.7387 https://northchurtonanimalhospital.com/

Durham Animal Hospital: 919.620.7387 https://durhamanimalhospital.com/

Follow us on Facebook: North Churton Animal Hospital or Durham Animal Hospital

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